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Department of Church and Society, CSN

2021 AGM Gallery

2021 AGM Gallery

2021 AGM

2021 AGM

The Church and Society Department of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria had its 2021 AGM in November. The event took place at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria Resource Centre, on the 16th to the 19th of November, 2021.

It was a well attended event and below are the documents, papers and reports that were presented at the event.


Images from Day 1 (17th November, 2021)


Images from Day 2 (18th November, 2021)


To be updated with brief history about the department. 

Continuation of the brief history of the department.


Identify the core value of the department, if any…

  • Value 1
  • Value 2
  • Value 3